The Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) by an Act of Parliament, Act 564 of 1998 is mandated to facilitate the provision of safe drinking water and related sanitation services to Rural Communities and Small Towns in Ghana. It also deals with hygiene promotion
Contact Details
P.M. B.
Kotoka International Airport, Accra.
Tel: 0302 518 401 / 0302 518 404,
Fax: 0302 518 402 / 0302 518 405,
Location: Off Tetteh Quarshie Inter-change, about 1km along the Gulf House-Standards Board-Department of rural Housing Lane, North Dzorwolu.
Other Agencies
Water Resources Commission (WRC)
Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL)
School of Hygiene, Accra
School of Hygiene, Ho
School of Hygiene, Tamale